Monday, July 28, 2008

Catching up

I apologize for the nonexistent pace of posts lately. I'll try to get caught up this week.

This past weekend my good friend and former co-worker Nora from Fort Worth came to visit. We took a dip in the 68-degree waters of Barton Springs Pool, rented a kayak and paddled around Lady Bird Lake, saw a movie, and just hung out and caught up on things. I have sore shoulders from the kayaking expedition, but it was well worth it.

In a week I leave for the AEJMC convention in Chicago. I'll spend this week working on the presentation of my paper.


Anonymous said...

You didn't mention my graceless plunge down your stairs the first day I was there. :þ

Brian B said...

I figured you should be the one to bring it up. :-þ

Speaking of those stairs, they rebuilt them while I was out of town. Three support posts and the structure under the deck are all that's left of the original.